On March 15, 2019 “For Fem” Women’s Human Rights Defender NGO’s research epigraphed “Gender equality issues in the civil service system of the Republic of Armenia” was sent to:
1.The prime minister of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Nikol Pashinyan
2.The vice prime minister of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Tigran Avinyan
3.The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Mrs. Zaruhi Batoyan
4.The Minister of Health, Mr. Arsen Torosyan
5.The Minister of Justice, Mr. Artak Zeynalyan
6.The Minister of Emergency Situations, Mr. Feliks Tsolakyan
7.The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Zohrab Mnatsakanyan
8.The Minister of Nature Protection, Mr. Erik Grigoryan
9.The Minister of Education and Science, Mr. Arayik Harutyunyan
10.The Minister of Defense, Mr. Davit Tonoyan
11.The Minister of Economic Development and Investments, Mr. Tigran Khachatryan
12.The Minister of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies, Mr. Hakob Arshakyan
13.The Minister of Financies, Mr.Atom Janjughazyan
14.The Minister of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources, Mr. Garegin Baghramyan
15.The Head of Civil Serive Office, Mr. Garush Davtyan
This research represents the situaton in civil service, also gives suggestions about the improvememt of civil service system from the perspectives of gender equality and sensitivity.
In the current situation of civil service system reforms, this research can be more useful for chief secretaries, head and employees of management departments, and for civil service workers of your personnel in general.
Getting familiar with the results of the research will help them to plan and organize their activity more effectively.
We hope, that the new government will show a political will for having a gender equality policy and will consider the demonstrations of discrimination as system problems, which must be solved.
In our research directed to the solution of those problems, we represent necessary offers, and we hope, that they will find a place in the formation of RA gender equality policies.
The research is also available in our website with the following link: http://4femrights.org/